Matthew 25: 35 “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Every year, congregants from NPC and our sister church, St. Aidan’s Episcopal, volunteer to tend the garden on a weekly basis. Harvested produce is donated to Food Gatherers, the lead agency for hunger relief in Washtenaw County.
In 2021, we donated over 250 pounds of produce to Food Gatherers, with the 2022 grant expansion, we were able to donate 350 pounds.
Anyone who is interested in participating in this mission, whether a church member or in our Ann Arbor community, is welcome to help. Please contact the church office for ways you can join in this ministry!
In February of 2022, the session of Northside Presbyterian Church applied for a grant from the Detroit Presbytery Faith in Action Committee for the purpose of renovating and expanding our Faith and Food Garden as part of our mission outreach toward fighting hunger in our community and NPC’s commitment to being a Matthew 25 congregation.
We partner in tending the Faith and Food Garden with St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church through our non-profit, Northside Associate Ministries. Through NAM we tend the needs of our shared building and we plan our mission activities and learning opportunities together. The NAM Social Justice Team has been leading the F&F Garden project and noted that we have needed to make our garden more accommodating to people of a variety of abilities in order to allow greater participation in this mission from our congregations.
Via NPC, our desired grant request for $8500 to renew the F&F Garden was officially approved by the presbytery in April 2022.
In May 2022, the previous garden was torn down. Next new garden beds were constructed in a modified layout with an expanded footprint. New fencing was erected and beds were filled and planted by early June 2022.