An inclusive community growing in faith
Our siblings from Northside Presbyterian Church, of Ann Arbor, Michigan reached out
to us with an advocacy opportunity. As reported in these articles by CNN and the Associated Press, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace introduced a resolution to amend the rules of the US House of Representatives banning transgender women from women’s restrooms at the US Capitol weeks before Sarah McBride (Delaware) is sworn in.
McBride is the first transgender woman to be elected to the Congress, and also happens to be a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). The rule singles out Ms. McBride for her medical history, denies her identity as a woman, and would bar her from using single-sex restrooms at her workplace.
Members of Northside are urging us to reach out to our representatives and speak out against this and similar rules that threaten the lives of our LGBTQIA+ siblings. If members of every congregation in our network reach out to their representatives, most state representatives would hear from us. So… how do we do this?
Step 1: Find your representative here:
Step 2: Tell your representative who you are (specifying you are their constituent) and
why this is important to you (tell them about your faith!).
Step 3: Urge them to say no to this ruling.
Step 4: Encourage them to reject similar rulings. Tell them you’ll check in a few weeks
(and then do it).
Step 5: Thank them for their service.
There are some ways to do this and have a wide reach. For example, you can host a letter writing party after worship, during coffee hour, or during a special service (like Christmas Eve). Have envelopes ready, (and stamps, if your budget allows). Make sure you provide opportunities to include your youth— it’s never to early to become an advocate!
Forward this to neighbors, friends, and co-workers. You never know who might receive it and feel seen.
With much gratitude for your love and advocacy,
More Light Presbyterians